jueves, 19 de agosto de 2021

Main ideas


Ideas principales


·         Sherlock Holmes es un detective junto a su amigo Watson y tienen un hermano mayor. Ambos cuentan con un gran potencial deductivo.

·         Hay un caso de secuestro de un griego para quitarle los bienes que tiene, y utilizan a un intérprete de griego para comunicarse con él y obligarlo a firmar los papeles que dejan todos los bienes en manos de los secuestradores.

·         Sherlock Holmes resuelve el caso junto a su amigo Watson y su hermano mayor e impiden que asesinen al interprete griego, aunque el griego murió.


Main ideas

·         Sherlock Holmes is a detective with his friend Watson and they have an older brother. Both have great deductive potential.

·         There is a case of the kidnapping of a Greek to take away the assets he has, and they use a Greek interpreter to communicate with him and force him to sign the papers that leave all the assets in the hands of the kidnappers.

·         Sherlock Holmes solves the case with his friend Watson and his older brother and prevents the Greek interpreter from being murdered, although the Greek died.

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