miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021


Natural Park


Miguel Galeano y Sebastián Medina

I.E. José Miguel de Restrepo y Puerta

Degree 11-2

Prof. Sandra C. Cárdenas Garcia

October 30 of 2021




Considering students Best academic, and after the lack of space with the conditions appropriates to incentive the lecture; we carry out the realization of a project in joint the who benefits so many students how people out of this. With basis to deem we got a natural park with space to carry out lectures both individual and group mind, and to turn space to rest and other to feed; using the environmental sustainability how an element fundamental in our project, becoming this in an optimal space for the development of people with appropriate social skills, because they can have a development interpersonal and intrapersonal suitable intervening the realization of activities mental and/or social.



Al querer que los estudiantes tuvieran un mejor desempeño académico, y tras observa la falta de un espacio con las condiciones apropiadas para incentivar la lectura; llevamos a cabo la realización de un proyecto en conjunto el cual beneficia tanto a estudiantes de la institución como personas fuera de esta. Con base a esto obtuvimos un parque natural con espacios para realizar lecturas tanto individual como grupal mente, y a su vez un espacio para descansar y otro para alimentarse; utilizando la sostenible ambiental como un elemento fundamental en nuestro proyecto, convirtiéndose este en un espacio óptimo para el desarrollo de personas con adecuadas habilidades sociales pues pueden tener un desarrollo interpersonal e intrapersonal adecuado mediante la realización de actividades mentales y/o sociales.



In our project we want to encourage reading to stimulate cognitive development in space open an air, for the comfort of any person, as well as the institution and outside it. Our project is a natural park which counts with three spaces, one of reading, another of rest and another to eat. This natural park it has a total area of 882m2. for our project based on environmental sustainability, this is so that in the future we will have the same or better quality of life than the present.


Problematic question:

How to stimulate reading comprehension and creativity, and that, also, it is in harmony with the environment?


Objective general:

Design an innovative space that enables the development of an autonomous and efficient creative sprit through reading and understanding.

Objective specific:

-          Come up with proposals for remodeling.

-          Select the most suitable proposal.

-          Estimate the appropriate space for the proposal.

-          Inquire the time.

-          Estimate the material.

-          Budget the proposal.

-          Digital plans and project manuals.

-          Project layout.

Theoretical framework:

Studies carried out in 2014 show that reading for pleasure generates better school performance and, therefore, better grades. Therefore, reading should be a habit practiced by all students, both to expand their knowledge and vocabulary, as well as to develop linguistic and cognitive skills from the creativity and imagination that every good book offers.

The approach to the book and reading should take place from an early age and be accompanied by an adult who guides this activity in a didactic and pleasant way, thus achieving the promotion of reading in children, who in turn need a space where they can perform an adequate reading, where people can feel comfortable to obtain better performance when reading.

Space is something important in the learning model and the more comfortable the place, the more it would encourage people to spend more time in it.

That is why reading and access to a pleasant space implementing or taking into account nature would be much more beneficial since it is an environment in which the academic performance and healthy development of students increases, when being implemented in a school, It can be used so that they can achieve better cognitive, linguistic and creative performance, in turn being able to obtain a good habit of reading from a young age; in addition, normalized development in adult life is also beneficial.

Literature review:

- Facultad de arquitectura y urbanismo. (2016). CONVENCIONES GRÁFICAS PARA PROYECTOS DE ARQUITECTURA (Archivo PDF). file:///C:/Users/SST/Downloads/Dialnet-ConvencionesGraficasParaProyectosDeArquitectura-696106.pdf

Federación de enseñanza de CC.OO. de Andalucía. (2012). La lectura: base del aprendizaje (Archivo PDF). https://www.feandalucia.ccoo.es/docu/p5sd9626.pdf

Sostenibilidad ambiental (Archivo PDF). http://proyectos.andi.com.co/Libro2/Paginas/assets/docs/capitulo-01.pdf

Importancia del organigrama en una empresa (Archivo PDF). https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/53223180/IMPORTANCIA_DEL_ORGANIGRAMA_EN_UNA_EMPRESA-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1635611166&Signature=HHnCSoDzPHqb4deJ4X100pWEY0LD8p~2A3UQx9tzT8iyKOhYeSFpsl8lfHuj5je0sT0LWCK-Qamze8CtcOHY1DZR5J-CjrVpPoE-zxNvJTkeGkyEYOz4NEGZqrStSTaZ4bpI3-6Wt4i4M7qTJJemfKnFXIX9RkjbsiQS5~0EpWgt4iJ9BTROAR0w9sPE8e989l7wdQ1pr8yCqyE5~z625i56-FX72EV6mdwfzqqvSRyJXHxo8-UVTMRZaSVHI5F1EhxWRVgiG2lZ53qDK3VBd~NshRJ7mf6pbzJVznKHzLbqc~QlI0h9FsvktS6UzjYk20BW-qF-mIJO6yP9p5ALPQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA

El impacto de la arquitectura en el medio ambiente (Archivo PDF). http://catarina.udlap.mx/u_dl_a/tales/documentos/lar/martagon_rosado_m/capitulo-4.pdf

Margarita de Luxan García de Diego. (1996). Arquitectura integrada al medio ambiente (Archivo PDF). file:///C:/Users/SST/Downloads/Dialnet-ArquitecturaIntegradaEnElMedioAmbiente-1333767.pdf

Ana Belen Quintana Navarro. Análisis del mercado(Archivo PDF). http://accioneduca.org/admin/archivos/clases/material/analisis-de-mercado_1563825598.pdf



The methodology used was the search through Google and Google Scholar, using keywords such as natural park, environmental sustainability, reading and learning.


Data collection instruments:

Data collection was carried out through observation and a documentary analysis covering group cases of a population.

Analysis of data:

When analyzing the data, we found that the school has limited places to stimulate our reading comprehension and creativity, the students have little interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, little increase in their knowledge, low level of inspiration and imagination.


Natural park, where students and the rest of the educational community can strengthen their  creative and reading spirit, as well as where they can carry out activities such as eating, talking or simply resting.

This space has three areas so that students are more comfortable and are not interrupted when carrying out their reading activities, thus providing two alternate spaces so that other students can rest and eat without disturbing others.


Corte AA:

Corte BB:

To this Project we implement elements that help to obtain environmental sustainability which are:

Book dispenser: Inspired by the exchange of books, we created a dispenser where instead of edible products, they are books and instead of money, plastic covers to contribute to the care of the environment.

Tree barrier: We use them as they are very beneficial for health, taking care of UVA rays and purifying oxygen.

Solar floor lamps: This capture sunlight to produce exterior lighting and these are composed of a light collector that is usually a solar panel.


Students will have an interpersonal and adequate intrapersonal. Well, they have optimal spaces for the development of activities mental and/or social, thus being our project a contribution to the development of people with adequate social skills.


Homecenter, (24 de noviembre de 2020). Homecenter – Decoración, Muebles, Electrodomésticos, Herramientas y Construcción


Euregio, (2017). https://th.bing.com/th/id/R7d0f6971191eefa20684e9feebde14d8?rik=Cu6gWTpaduclIw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.euregio-im-bild.de%2ffotos%2f1280%2fmaigr-ne-flurhecke-im-monschauer-heckenland-bei-h-fen-3.jpg&ehk=jTJLyYKMgjNgDkm5jBr9V1LCUP9FZfTKaSfIeri%2fnto%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

Mercado libre (2018). Luces solares LED - https://http2.mlstatic.com/luz-solar-de-jardim-lampadas-led-D_NQ_NP_542201-MLB20298485681_052015-O.jpg

Muebles exteriores e interiores, (2020). Homecenter – Decoración, Muebles, Electrodomésticos, Herramientas y Construcción


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