miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021


Natural Park


Miguel Galeano y Sebastián Medina

I.E. José Miguel de Restrepo y Puerta

Degree 11-2

Prof. Sandra C. Cárdenas Garcia

October 30 of 2021




Considering students Best academic, and after the lack of space with the conditions appropriates to incentive the lecture; we carry out the realization of a project in joint the who benefits so many students how people out of this. With basis to deem we got a natural park with space to carry out lectures both individual and group mind, and to turn space to rest and other to feed; using the environmental sustainability how an element fundamental in our project, becoming this in an optimal space for the development of people with appropriate social skills, because they can have a development interpersonal and intrapersonal suitable intervening the realization of activities mental and/or social.



Al querer que los estudiantes tuvieran un mejor desempeño académico, y tras observa la falta de un espacio con las condiciones apropiadas para incentivar la lectura; llevamos a cabo la realización de un proyecto en conjunto el cual beneficia tanto a estudiantes de la institución como personas fuera de esta. Con base a esto obtuvimos un parque natural con espacios para realizar lecturas tanto individual como grupal mente, y a su vez un espacio para descansar y otro para alimentarse; utilizando la sostenible ambiental como un elemento fundamental en nuestro proyecto, convirtiéndose este en un espacio óptimo para el desarrollo de personas con adecuadas habilidades sociales pues pueden tener un desarrollo interpersonal e intrapersonal adecuado mediante la realización de actividades mentales y/o sociales.



In our project we want to encourage reading to stimulate cognitive development in space open an air, for the comfort of any person, as well as the institution and outside it. Our project is a natural park which counts with three spaces, one of reading, another of rest and another to eat. This natural park it has a total area of 882m2. for our project based on environmental sustainability, this is so that in the future we will have the same or better quality of life than the present.


Problematic question:

How to stimulate reading comprehension and creativity, and that, also, it is in harmony with the environment?


Objective general:

Design an innovative space that enables the development of an autonomous and efficient creative sprit through reading and understanding.

Objective specific:

-          Come up with proposals for remodeling.

-          Select the most suitable proposal.

-          Estimate the appropriate space for the proposal.

-          Inquire the time.

-          Estimate the material.

-          Budget the proposal.

-          Digital plans and project manuals.

-          Project layout.

Theoretical framework:

Studies carried out in 2014 show that reading for pleasure generates better school performance and, therefore, better grades. Therefore, reading should be a habit practiced by all students, both to expand their knowledge and vocabulary, as well as to develop linguistic and cognitive skills from the creativity and imagination that every good book offers.

The approach to the book and reading should take place from an early age and be accompanied by an adult who guides this activity in a didactic and pleasant way, thus achieving the promotion of reading in children, who in turn need a space where they can perform an adequate reading, where people can feel comfortable to obtain better performance when reading.

Space is something important in the learning model and the more comfortable the place, the more it would encourage people to spend more time in it.

That is why reading and access to a pleasant space implementing or taking into account nature would be much more beneficial since it is an environment in which the academic performance and healthy development of students increases, when being implemented in a school, It can be used so that they can achieve better cognitive, linguistic and creative performance, in turn being able to obtain a good habit of reading from a young age; in addition, normalized development in adult life is also beneficial.

Literature review:

- Facultad de arquitectura y urbanismo. (2016). CONVENCIONES GRÁFICAS PARA PROYECTOS DE ARQUITECTURA (Archivo PDF). file:///C:/Users/SST/Downloads/Dialnet-ConvencionesGraficasParaProyectosDeArquitectura-696106.pdf

Federación de enseñanza de CC.OO. de Andalucía. (2012). La lectura: base del aprendizaje (Archivo PDF). https://www.feandalucia.ccoo.es/docu/p5sd9626.pdf

Sostenibilidad ambiental (Archivo PDF). http://proyectos.andi.com.co/Libro2/Paginas/assets/docs/capitulo-01.pdf

Importancia del organigrama en una empresa (Archivo PDF). https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/53223180/IMPORTANCIA_DEL_ORGANIGRAMA_EN_UNA_EMPRESA-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1635611166&Signature=HHnCSoDzPHqb4deJ4X100pWEY0LD8p~2A3UQx9tzT8iyKOhYeSFpsl8lfHuj5je0sT0LWCK-Qamze8CtcOHY1DZR5J-CjrVpPoE-zxNvJTkeGkyEYOz4NEGZqrStSTaZ4bpI3-6Wt4i4M7qTJJemfKnFXIX9RkjbsiQS5~0EpWgt4iJ9BTROAR0w9sPE8e989l7wdQ1pr8yCqyE5~z625i56-FX72EV6mdwfzqqvSRyJXHxo8-UVTMRZaSVHI5F1EhxWRVgiG2lZ53qDK3VBd~NshRJ7mf6pbzJVznKHzLbqc~QlI0h9FsvktS6UzjYk20BW-qF-mIJO6yP9p5ALPQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA

El impacto de la arquitectura en el medio ambiente (Archivo PDF). http://catarina.udlap.mx/u_dl_a/tales/documentos/lar/martagon_rosado_m/capitulo-4.pdf

Margarita de Luxan García de Diego. (1996). Arquitectura integrada al medio ambiente (Archivo PDF). file:///C:/Users/SST/Downloads/Dialnet-ArquitecturaIntegradaEnElMedioAmbiente-1333767.pdf

Ana Belen Quintana Navarro. Análisis del mercado(Archivo PDF). http://accioneduca.org/admin/archivos/clases/material/analisis-de-mercado_1563825598.pdf



The methodology used was the search through Google and Google Scholar, using keywords such as natural park, environmental sustainability, reading and learning.


Data collection instruments:

Data collection was carried out through observation and a documentary analysis covering group cases of a population.

Analysis of data:

When analyzing the data, we found that the school has limited places to stimulate our reading comprehension and creativity, the students have little interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, little increase in their knowledge, low level of inspiration and imagination.


Natural park, where students and the rest of the educational community can strengthen their  creative and reading spirit, as well as where they can carry out activities such as eating, talking or simply resting.

This space has three areas so that students are more comfortable and are not interrupted when carrying out their reading activities, thus providing two alternate spaces so that other students can rest and eat without disturbing others.


Corte AA:

Corte BB:

To this Project we implement elements that help to obtain environmental sustainability which are:

Book dispenser: Inspired by the exchange of books, we created a dispenser where instead of edible products, they are books and instead of money, plastic covers to contribute to the care of the environment.

Tree barrier: We use them as they are very beneficial for health, taking care of UVA rays and purifying oxygen.

Solar floor lamps: This capture sunlight to produce exterior lighting and these are composed of a light collector that is usually a solar panel.


Students will have an interpersonal and adequate intrapersonal. Well, they have optimal spaces for the development of activities mental and/or social, thus being our project a contribution to the development of people with adequate social skills.


Homecenter, (24 de noviembre de 2020). Homecenter – Decoración, Muebles, Electrodomésticos, Herramientas y Construcción


Euregio, (2017). https://th.bing.com/th/id/R7d0f6971191eefa20684e9feebde14d8?rik=Cu6gWTpaduclIw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.euregio-im-bild.de%2ffotos%2f1280%2fmaigr-ne-flurhecke-im-monschauer-heckenland-bei-h-fen-3.jpg&ehk=jTJLyYKMgjNgDkm5jBr9V1LCUP9FZfTKaSfIeri%2fnto%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

Mercado libre (2018). Luces solares LED - https://http2.mlstatic.com/luz-solar-de-jardim-lampadas-led-D_NQ_NP_542201-MLB20298485681_052015-O.jpg

Muebles exteriores e interiores, (2020). Homecenter – Decoración, Muebles, Electrodomésticos, Herramientas y Construcción


Technical dictionary


jueves, 26 de agosto de 2021



Summary of the Greek Interpreter




La aventura del intérprete griego comienza con una discusión entre Sherlock Holmes y el Dr. Watson sobre los rasgos hereditarios. Anteriormente, Watson siempre había asumido que Holmes es único, hijo único, con capacidades singulares. Sin embargo, Holmes se apresura a aclarar a su amigo, ya que Sherlock tiene un hermano mayor llamado Mycroft.

Sherlock considera que el intelecto de Mycroft supera al suyo, pero el detective también reconoce que Mycroft no tiene la energía para ir junto con el intelecto; con Mycroft perfectamente cómodo para ser considerado incorrecto, en lugar de hacer el esfuerzo de demostrar que tiene razón.

Sherlock, sin embargo, ha buscado en ocasiones el consejo de su hermano; con Sherlock visitando a Mycroft en el Diógenes Club, con la guía que normalmente resulta precisa.

Esta vez, sin embargo, Mycroft ha buscado a Sherlock, porque el Sr. Meles, un intérprete griego y vecino de Mycroft, había buscado el consejo de Mycroft.

Un hombre llamado Harold Latimer había solicitado los servicios del Sr. Meles para que actuara como intérprete de griego. Habían recogido al señor Meles en un taxi oscurecido y, aunque le dijeron que el destino sería Kensington, el viaje duró más de lo debido. Latimer también produjo un garrote, con la amenaza implícita de violencia.

Latimer le diría al Sr. Meles que sería recompensado por sus servicios, pero también exigió silencio futuro del intérprete.

El taxi oscurecido eventualmente, después de un par de horas, se detendría en una casa grande lujosamente decorada.

En la casa, el Sr. Meles se encuentra con un segundo hombre, Wilson Kemp, y pronto habrá más pruebas sobre lo irregular que iba a ser este trabajo de interpretación. Un tercer hombre fue llevado ante la presencia del intérprete griego, pero inicialmente, la boca de este hombre estaba cubierta con yeso pegajoso.

Se pidió al Sr. Meles que le hiciera al hombre anónimo ciertas preguntas, pero cuando el Sr. Meles se dio cuenta de que tanto Latimer como Kemp ignoraban el idioma griego, el intérprete también logró interponer sus propias preguntas.

A partir de sus propias preguntas, el señor Meles descubrió que el cautivo se llamaba Paul Kratides, un griego al que Latimer y Kemp intentaban hacer firmar unos papeles. Paul Kratides había estado en Inglaterra durante tres semanas, pero no tenía idea de dónde se encontraba actualmente.

En ese momento el interrogatorio se interrumpió cuando una mujer entró en la habitación. Esta mujer llamó de inmediato a Kratides, llamándolo por su nombre de pila. Paul Kratides luego se quitó el protector bucal y llamó a la mujer Sophy.

Paul y Sophy fueron separados rápidamente, y luego el Sr. Meles fue conducido de la casa al taxi oscurecido nuevamente. Siguió otro largo viaje, pero en lugar de regresar a casa, el Sr. Meles fue dejado en Wandsworth Common. Sin embargo, el intérprete griego no se entretuvo e inmediatamente fue a buscar el consejo de Mycroft Holmes.

Se habían colocado anuncios en los periódicos, los anuncios pidiendo información sobre una dama griega que se alojaba en Inglaterra o un hombre llamado Paul Katrides.

El problema se presentó ahora a Sherlock Holmes, y el detective envía algunos telegramas, pero es Mycroft quien trae el siguiente desarrollo, ya que ha tenido una respuesta a los avisos del periódico colocados. A Mr. Davenport le dice que Sophy se está quedando en una casa conocida como Myrtles en Beckenham.

Con cierta urgencia se hacen planes para ir a Beckenham, y se decide que el inspector Gregson se una a ellos. También se considera una buena idea recoger al Sr. Meles, en caso de que se necesite un intérprete de griego.

Sin embargo, cuando el grupo llega a la residencia de Meles, descubren que el intérprete griego ya ha sido recogido por un taxi; algo que no augura nada bueno para la seguridad del intérprete.

Cuando el grupo de los hermanos Holmes, Watson y Gregson llegan a los Myrtles, parece que la casa ha sido abandonada; La evidencia muestra la partida del carruaje muy cargado.

Sin embargo, la casa no está tan vacía como parece, ya que al atravesar una puerta cerrada, el grupo encuentra a Paul Kratides y al Sr. Meles; ambos hombres han sido gaseados con vapores de carbón. El rescate resulta demasiado tarde para Paul Kratides, pero la atención del Dr. Watson ve al Sr. Meles salvado.

El rescate también llegó demasiado tarde para arrestar a Latimer y Kemp, o rescatar a Sophy.

Las lagunas en el conocimiento de Sherlock Holmes sobre el caso pronto se llenan.

Los amigos habían advertido a Paul Kratides sobre la influencia que Latimer estaba ejerciendo sobre Sophy, y el hermano había viajado a Inglaterra desde Grecia para rectificar esa situación. Sin embargo, Paul Kratides se había convertido en prisionero de Latimer, y este último había intentado que el primero firmara la propiedad de Sophy; por supuesto, Paul Kratides se había negado a hacerlo, lo que finalmente lo llevó a su propia muerte.

Hay una nota a pie de página para la aventura por la llegada de la noticia de la muerte de dos ingleses, Latimer y Kemp, en Hungría. Parece que los dos se han matado durante una pelea; pero Sherlock Holmes tiene un fuerte indicio de que la muerte de los dos hombres ha sido causada por Sophy; la hermana consiguiendo su venganza. 



Sherlock considers that the intellect of Mycroft outstrips his own, but the detective also recognises that Mycroft doesn’t have the energy to go along with the intellect; with Mycroft perfectly comfortable to be considered wrong, rather than make the effort to prove himself right.

Sherlock though, has on occasion, sought out the advice of his brother; with Sherlock visiting Mycroft at the Diogenes Club, with the guidance normally proving accurate.

This time though, Sherlock has been sought by Mycroft, for Mr Meles, a Greek interpreter and neighbour of Mycroft, had sought the advice of Mycroft.

A man by the name of Harold Latimer had sought out the services of Mr Meles, to act as a Greek interpreter. Mr Meles had been collected in a blacked-out cab, and although told the destination was to be Kensington, the journey lasted for longer than it should. Latimer also produced a bludgeon, with the implicit threat of violence.

Latimer would tell Mr Meles that he would be rewarded for his services, but also demanded future silence from the interpreter.

The blacked-out cab would eventually, after a couple of hours, pull up at a large, expensively decorat house.

At the house, Mr Meles encounters a second man, Wilson Kemp, and soon there if more evidence about just how irregular this interpreting job was going to be. A third man was brought into the presence of the Greek interpreter, but initially, the mouth of this man was covered in sticking plaster.

Mr Meles was asked to ask the anonymous man certain questions, but as Mr Meles realised that Latimer and Kemp were both ignorant of the Greek language, the interpreter managed to interpose his own questions as well.

From his own questions Mr Meles discovered that the captive man was named Paul Kratides, a Greek man who Latimer and Kemp were trying to make sign some papers. Paul Kratides had been in England for three weeks, but had no idea where he currently was.

At that moment the questioning was interrupted when a woman entered the room. This woman immediately called out to Kratides, calling him by his first name. Paul Kratides then ripped off his mouth guard, and called the woman Sophy.

Paul and Sophy were quickly separated, and then Mr Meles was ushered from house into the blacked-out cab again. Another long drive ensued, but rather than being returned home, Mr Meles was dropped off on Wandsworth Common. The Greek interpreter didn’t dawdle though, and immediately went to gain the advice of Mycroft Holmes.

Advertisements had been placed in the papers, the ads asking for information about a Greek lady staying in England, or a man named Paul Katrides.

The problem was now placed before Sherlock Holmes, and the detective sends of a few telegrams, but it is Mycroft who brings the next development, for he has had an answer to the placed newspaper notices. A Mr Davenport tells that Sophy is staying at house known as the Myrtles in Beckenham.

When the party arrive at the Meles residence though, they find that the Greek interpreter has already been picked up by a cab; something that doesn’t bode well for the safety of the interpreter.

When the party of the Holmes brothers, Watson and Gregson arrive at the Myrtles it appears that the house has been abandoned; evidence shows the departure of heavily laden coach.

The house though, is not quiet as empty as it appears, as breaking through a locked door, the party find Paul Kratides and Mr Meles; both men have been gassed with charcoal fumes. The rescue proves too late for Paul Kratides, but the attention of Dr Watson sees Mr Meles saved.

The rescue has also come to late to arrest Latimer and Kemp, or rescue Sophy.

The gaps in Sherlock Holmes’ knowledge of the case are soon filled in.

Friends had warned Paul Kratides about the influence that Latimer was exerting over Sophy, and the brother had travelled to England from Greece to rectify that situation. Paul Kratides had though become a prisoner of Latimer, and the latter had tried to make the former sign over Sophy’s property; of course, Paul Kratides had refused to do so, ultimately leading to his own death.

There is a footnote to the adventure for news arrives of the death of two Englishmen, Latimer and Kemp, in Hungary. It appears that the two have killed each other during a fight; but Sherlock Holmes has a strong inkling that the deaths of the two men have been caused by Sophy; the sister getting her revenge.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2021

Biography of the author

 Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle

Arthur Ignatius

Nació el 22 de mayo de 1859 en Edimburgo (Escocia), y murió el 7 de julio de 1930. Sus géneros literarios fueron la novela y los detectives.
Fue médico, novelista y escritor de novelas policiales, creador del inolvidable maestro detective Sherlock Holmes.

Conan Doyle nació el 22 de mayo de 1859 en Edimburgo y estudió en las universidades de Stonyhurst y Edimburgo, en esta última estudió medicina desde 1876 hasta 1881. En junio de 1882 se trasladó a Portsmouth. Mientras estaba allí, instaló una clínica. Al principio no le fue muy bien con ella, por lo que en su tiempo libre volvió a empezar a escribir cuentos.

Tuvo tanto éxito al comienzo de su carrera literaria que en cinco años abandonó la práctica de la medicina y se dedicó por completo a la escritura.

Su primer trabajo notable fue "Un estudio en escarlata", donde el escritor crea el detective de ficción más famoso, Sherlock Holmes, que se publicó en 1887. El autor confió en un profesor que conoció en la universidad para crear el personaje de Holmes con su ingenioso capacidad de razonamiento deductivo. Igualmente excepcionales son las creaciones de los personajes que lo acompañan: su amigo afable y torpe, el Dr. Watson, que es el narrador, y el archicriminal profesor Moriarty.

Las mejores historias de Holmes son El signo de los cuatro (1890), Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes (1892), El sabueso de Baskerville (1902) y Su último saludo escénico (1917), gracias al cual se hizo mundialmente famoso. y popularizó el género de la novela policíaca. El culto al detective Holmes surgió y aún sobrevive.

Gracias a su versatilidad literaria, Conan Doyle tuvo el mismo éxito con sus novelas históricas, como Micah Clarke (1888), The White Company (1890), Rodney Stone (1896) y Sir Nigel (1906), así como con su obra de teatro History. de Waterloo (1894).

Durante la Guerra de los Bóers fue médico militar y a su regreso a Inglaterra escribió The Boer War (1900) y The War in South Africa (1902), justificando la participación de su país. Por estas obras se le concedió el título de señor en 1902.

Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, escribió La campaña británica en Francia y Flandes (6 volúmenes, 1916-1920) en homenaje a la valentía británica. La muerte en la guerra de su hijo mayor se convirtió en un defensor del espiritismo, dedicándose a dar conferencias y escribir extensamente sobre el tema. Su autobiografía, Memories and Adventures, se publicó en 1924.

Murió el 7 de julio de 1930 a los 71 años de un infarto, en Crowborough (Inglaterra). Una estatua de él está en ese pueblo donde vivió durante 23 años.

Sus obras mas destacadas:

  • El Archivo de Sherlock Holmes
  • El mundo perdido
  • El Regreso de Sherlock Holmes
  • El Sabueso de los Baskerville
  • El valle del Terror
  • La zona ponzoñosa
  • Sir Nigel
  • Su última reverencia


 Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 

Arthur Ignatius
He was born on May 22, 1859 in Edinburgh (Scotland), and died on July 7, 1930. His literary genres were novels and detectives.

He was a doctor, novelist and writer of detective novels, creator of the unforgettable master detective Sherlock Holmes.

Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859 in Edinburgh and studied at the universities of Stonyhurst and Edinburgh, in the latter he studied medicine from 1876 to 1881. In June 1882, he moved to Portsmouth. While there, he set up a clinic. At first he did not do very well with her, so in his spare time he began writing stories again.

He was so successful at the beginning of his literary career that within five years he abandoned the practice of medicine and devoted himself entirely to writing.

His first notable work was "A Study in Scarlet", where the writer creates the most famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, which was published in 1887. The author relied on a professor he met in college to create the character of Holmes with his ingenious ability for deductive reasoning. Equally exceptional are the creations of his accompanying characters: his good-natured and clumsy friend, Dr. Watson, who is the storyteller, and the arch-criminal Professor Moriarty.

Holmes's best stories are The Sign of the Four (1890), The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892), The Hound of Baskerville (1902) and his last stage salute (1917), thanks to which he became world famous. and popularized the detective novel genre. The cult of Detective Holmes emerged, and still survives.

Holmes's best stories are The Sign of the Four (1890), The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892), The Hound of Baskerville (1902) and his last stage salute (1917), thanks to which he became world famous and popularized the detective novel genre. The cult of Detective Holmes emerged, and still survives.

Thanks to his literary versatility, Conan Doyle was equally successful with his historical novels, such as Micah Clarke (1888), The White Company (1890), Rodney Stone (1896) and Sir Nigel (1906), as well as with his play History of Waterloo (1894).

During the Boer War he was a military doctor and upon his return to England he wrote The Boer War (1900) and The War in South Africa (1902), justifying the participation of his country. For these works he was awarded the title of sir in 1902.

During World War I he wrote The British Campaign in France and Flanders (6 volumes, 1916-1920) in homage to British bravery. The death in the war of his eldest son made him a defender of spiritism, dedicating himself to lecturing and writing extensively on the subject. His autobiography, Memories and Adventures, was published in 1924.

He died on July 7, 1930 aged 71 from a heart attack, in Crowborough (England). A statue of him is in that town where he lived for 23 years.

His most outstanding works:
  • The Sherlock Holmes Archive
  • The lost World
  • The Return of Sherlock Holmes
  • The baskerville's hound
  • Valley of Terror
  • The poisonous zone
  • Sir Nigel
  • His last bow

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2021





John Watson: Es el amigo y compañero de trabajo de Sherlock Holmes, los cuales resuelven casos como lo es el del intérprete griego.

Mycroft Holmes: Es el hermano mayor de Sherlock Holmes y es quien le muestra el caso de su vecino Melas y además también ayuda a resolverlo, gracias a que tiene una gran capacidad de deducción; incluso mayor que la de su hermano.

Sherlock Holmes: es el detective que lleva a cabo el caso del intérprete griego junto a su hermano Mycroft y su amigo Watson. Es una persona muy activa y que además contiene un poder de deducción muy alto.

Mr. Melas: Es un intérprete griego que fue obligado a estar en un secuestro. Es quien demanda lo sucedido con el griego o da a conocer su caso.

Harold Latimer: Es el cómplice del secuestro del griego y quien va a buscar al intérprete.

Kratides (Paul): Es el griego secuestrado, al cual le quieren quitar sus posesiones.

Shophy: Es la hermana del griego que está secuestrado.

Wilson Kemp: Es la cabecilla del secuestro, por lo tanto, es quien intenta quitarle las pertenecías al griego (El nombre de este personaje sale casi al final del libro, y la forma en que lo saque es porque ya me vi la película. Cabe recalcar que tiene participación desde la pág. 8 pero no se menciona su nombre hasta el final). 




John Watson: He is the friend and colleague of Sherlock Holmes, who solves cases such as the Greek interpreter.

Mycroft Holmes: He is the older brother of Sherlock Holmes and he is the one who shows him the case of his neighbor Mr. Melas and also helps to solve it, thanks to that he has a great capacity for deduction; even bigger than his brother's.

Sherlock Holmes: he is the detective who carries out the case of the Greek interpreter with his brother Mycroft and his friend Watson. He is a very active person and also has a very high deduction power.

Mr. Melas: He is a Greek interpreter who was forced to be in a kidnapping. He is the one who demands what happened with the Greek or makes his case known.

Harold Latimer: He is the accomplice in the kidnapping of the Greek and who is going to look for the interpreter.

Kratides (Paul): He is the kidnapped Greek, whose possessions they want to take away from him.

Sophy: She is the sister of the Greek who is kidnapped.

Wilson Kemp: He is the ringleader of the kidnapping, therefore, he is the one who tries to take away the belongings of the Greek